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For Who?

This course bundle is designed for individuals with little to no tech background, as well as those looking to improve their understanding of AWS and Linux. Through hands-on exercises and practical projects, you'll gain the skills necessary to excel in the cloud computing industry. I start by teaching you Linux basics which is important for excelling in Cloud.

What You'll Learn:

What You'll Learn (LinuxSection):

- Getting Started: Obtain a Linux machine/server and create user accounts.

- File Management: Work with files and understand file permissions.

- Archiving: Learn archiving and compressing files to manage storage efficiently.

- Software Installation: Install software and tools essential for system management.

- Networking: Understand basic networking concepts and configurations in Linux.

- System Information: Retrieve and interpret system information to monitor and troubleshoot.

- Productivity Tips: Discover important shortcuts, tips, and tricks to enhance productivity.

- Cheat Sheet: Receive a recommended cheat sheet to quickly reference common commands and tasks.

What You'll Learn (AWS Section):

- AWS Budgets: Set up billing alarms to manage your cloud expenses effectively.

- IAM Policies: Enhance security by adding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

- Amazon S3: Create buckets to store your application codes and host static applications.

- Whiteboarding: Understand architecture to help solidify your knowledge of topics discussed.

- Amazon EC2: Deploy a sample static application and explore hosting options for various applications, including PHP/MySQL and Node.js/MySQL apps.

- Amazon RDS: Set up a database in AWS for applications.

- AWS Certificate Manager and Amazon Route 53: for securely hosting applications.

- Amazon CloudFront: Improve your application's performance and security by using CloudFront as a content delivery network.

- AWS App Runner and Elastic Beanstalk: Explore different options for hosting applications with minimal configuration.

- Amazon EFS: Create scalable file storage for applications.

- Custom VPC: Build a Virtual Private Cloud to protect your resources.

- Monitoring and Logging: Use CloudWatch and CloudTrail to monitor and log activities.

- CLI Demos: Gain hands-on experience with AWS Command Line Interface.


Practical Experience: Absolutely no 'Hello World' examples as with other courses as this aren't close to the real world. We do real-world project deployments involving databases, CDNs, and custom DNS configurations, skills highly sought after in interviews for top cloud positions.

Mentorship: Benefit from mentorship during our live Zoom calls every Saturday. This is your opportunity to discuss career strategies, troubleshoot lab issues, and get direct feedback on your resume and interview techniques.

Job Referral System: Take advantage of my job referral system for AWS positions. My internal referrals significantly boost your chances of landing an interview, thanks to strong networking connections formed from students now working at AWS.

Community and Network: Join my private Telegram channel to continuously engage with a community of peers and myself. This active network is an invaluable resource for help with the labs or asking any questions you have.

Flexible Learning and Resources: Access my courses from any location, and utilize my tailored resume template, which includes detailed project descriptions to help you make a compelling case to prospective employers.

Link to the best FREE Linux cheat sheet I highly recommend.

Whether you're aiming to become an expert in AWS and Linux or simply looking to add these valuable skills to your tech skills portfolio, this course bundle will provide you with the knowledge and practical experience needed to achieve your goals.

Join me today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in AWS cloud.

Linux Topics

Get a Linux Machine/Server, Creating user accounts, Working with files, File permissions, Searching the system, Archiving and Compressing files, Installing software/tools, Networking, System Information, Important Shortcuts - Tips & tricks, Recommended Cheat Sheet

AWS Topics Covered

IAM, S3, Architectures whiteboarding | Security Groups, AMIs | Amazon EC2 | Host static a static web application | Deploy a sample dynamic application with a Database on EC2, Autoscaling, Elastic Load Balancing | RDS - Create a Database in AWS | AWS Certificate Manager | Amazon Route 53 | Use CloudFront in front of a dynamic application | Upload a Node.js application on EC2 | Host an application on Elastic Beanstalk | Host an application using AWS App Runner | Create an Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) | Build a Custom VPC | CloudWatch | CloudTrail | AWS Budgets | CLI Demos. Diagram Source


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